About Our School

School Mission/Vision


Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.


Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere



About Our School

Ankara Elementary/High School is a unit school providing instruction for grades PreK - 12th grade; part of the DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity) Europe South district, accredited by AdvanceEd. AEHS follows a US curriculum, with all classes taught in English, and has a high range, international student body.

AEHS meets College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) and evaluates student achievement using The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing. In addition, AEHS offers a range of special programs and enrichment courses each year, tailored to the needs of each student.

Full-time Specialists on Staff:

  • ESL (English as a Second Language)
  • Reading Specialist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Instructional Educational Technology Coach
  • Gifted Coordinator

Enrichment Courses:

  • Turkish language (Middle and High School)
  • Host nation / Turkish culture (Elementary School)
  • Spanish (Middle and High School)
  • Yearbook (8-12)
  • Music / Band (K-12)
  • Drama
  • Art (K-12)
  • Health and PE (Physical Education) (K-12)
  • Gifted placement (K-12)
  • STEM
  • AP (Advanced Placement) courses (college credit opportunity)
  • DoDEA Europe Premiere Activities
  • DoDEA Virtual School (additional online courses available)
  • Dual-enrollment (receive credit for High School & college courses)

AEHS Programs:

  • International Day
  • Drama Club
  • Math Counts (Middle and High School)
  • After-school Sports (8-12)
  • MUN
  • Creative Connections
    • Boys’ and Girls’ soccer
    • Boys’ and Girls’ basketball
    • Boys’ and Girls’ volleyball
    • Boys’ and Girls’ tennis
  • Homework Club (grades K-5, and grades 6-8)
  • Student Council (Elementary and Middle/High School)
  • Model United Nations (MUN) (Middle and High School)
  • National Honor Society (NHS) (High School)
  • National Junior Honor Society (JNHS) (7-8)
  • Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (High School)
  • Educators Rising (High School)
  • International Student Leadership Institute (High School)
  • Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
  • School Advisory Committee (SAC)

School Goals

Ankara EHS School Goals and Action Plan
DoDEA Blueprint Goals 
  • Goal 1: Student Excellence 
    Challenge and prepare each student to maximize their academic growth and well-being for college, career, and life. 
  • Goal 2: School Excellence 
    Develop and sustain each school to be high-performing within a culture of innovation, collaboration, continuous improvement, and caring relationships. 
  • Goal 3: Talent Excellence 
    Recruit, develop, empower, and retain a high-performing workforce that reflects our student population. 
  • Goal 4: Organizational Excellence 
    Build an enduring, accountable, and responsive organization that provides appropriate resources, direction, and support to accomplish the Mission. 
Region Goals
  • Access to Excellent Instruction for ALL Students! 
  • Europe as a High-Reliability Organization (HRO) 

This is Ankara's School Action Plan (SAP) to ensure Europe South is a High ­Reliability Organization to achieve our school goal.

During the months of August­-November 2024, this SAP was collaboratively built through numerous collaborative sessions with the faculty led by the CSI team. It represents our collective goals for student achievement and instruction throughout the school. 

Chain of Command

Ankara Elementary High School official mascot Trojans
Enrollment: 188
Mascot Downloads
School Colors
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